Creating a static site using pure Java. Objectos 0.5.1 released

Marcio EndoMarcio EndoMar 19, 2023

Welcome to Objectos Weekly issue #018.

I have released Objectos 0.5.1! Most of the work done on this release was internal. In other words, it contains just a few of user-facing changes. I expect the next few releases to follow suit.

In any case, I will show what's new in Objectos 0.5.1.

Let's begin.

Before we begin

I use Objectos in production. This very page was generated using Objectos HTML (and a few other Objectos libraries).

Having said that, please know that Objectos is alpha software. In particular:

Creating a static site using pure Java

The following were introduced to Objectos HTML in version 0.5.1:

They are all related. Let's look at an example to see how they work together.

Our template

Suppose the following Objectos HTML template:

public class MyTemplate extends HtmlTemplate {
  String pathName;

  protected final void definition() {

        title("Objectos HTML example")
          a(pathTo("/index.html"), t("Home"))
          dt("Path name:"),

Notice the pathName instruction at the top of the definition method:

protected final void definition() {


It represents the path of generated HTML file.

The pathTo instruction was used inside the anchor in the template's body:

a(pathTo("/index.html"), t("Home"))

It is a link that takes you back to the site's home. The pathTo instruction generates a href attribute. But it uses the pathName information to generate a relative link.

Generating our static site

We will use the HtmlSink class to generate our static site to a pre-defined directory.

The following code does that:

var tmpdir = System.getProperty("");

var target = Path.of(tmpdir, "objectos-html-example");

var pathNames = List.of(

var htmlSink = new HtmlSink();

var template = new MyTemplate();

for (var pathName : pathNames) {
  template.pathName = pathName;

  htmlSink.toDirectory(template, target);

We start by defining our target directory:

var tmpdir = System.getProperty("");

var target = Path.of(tmpdir, "objectos-html-example");

I am running Linux, so I expect the target directory to be /tmp/objectos-html-example

Next, we define the structure of our static site:

var pathNames = List.of(

Note that the pathnames must start with the '/' slash character. Our hypothetical site contains three files. In a real site the structure could come e.g. from your AsciiDoc or Markdown files.

Next, we generate our site using HtmlSink and our MyTemplate class from before:

var htmlSink = new HtmlSink();

var template = new MyTemplate();

for (var pathName : pathNames) {
  template.pathName = pathName;

  htmlSink.toDirectory(template, target);

So, for each pathName defined, we set the pathName instance variable of our template.

Then, we invoke the HtmlSink::toDirectory method. Please note that it throws an IOException.

Running our example

After running our example, here's the structure generated:

$ find /tmp/objectos-html-example -type f

So the HtmlSink class used the pathName to generate the directory hierarchy automatically.

Let's look at generate HTML of our home page:

<!doctype html>
<title>Objectos HTML example</title>
<p><a href="index.html">Home</a></p>
<dl><dt>Path name:</dt><dd>/index.html</dd></dl></body>

Notice the href in the anchor: it is not absolute.

The reason becomes clearer in the blog index page:

<!doctype html>
<title>Objectos HTML example</title>
<p><a href="../index.html">Home</a></p>
<dl><dt>Path name:</dt><dd>/blog/index.html</dd></dl></body>

Remember we used the pathTo instruction in the anchor (instead of a href).

The pathTo instruction uses the template's pathName value to generate a relative link.

For completeness, let's look at the generated HTML of the blog article:

<!doctype html>
<title>Objectos HTML example</title>
<p><a href="../../../../index.html">Home</a></p>
<dl><dt>Path name:</dt><dd>/blog/2023/03/17/objectos-html-is-cool.html</dd></dl></body>

So, during development, there's no need for a web server. In other words, you can point your browser to:


And links should work fine.

Objectos Code: allow annotations in field declarations

I continue to work on the Objectos Code documentation.

While documenting field declarations I realized that Objectos Code did not allow for fields to be annotated. So I implemented that. And also wrote the documentation for it.

So the following Objectos Code:

import objectos.code.ClassTypeName;
import objectos.code.JavaTemplate;

public class FieldAnnotations extends JavaTemplate {
  static final ClassTypeName ANNO_A
      = ClassTypeName.of("com.example.annotations", "AnnotationA");
  static final ClassTypeName ANNO_B
      = ClassTypeName.of("com.example.annotations", "AnnotationB");
  static final ClassTypeName ANNO_C
      = ClassTypeName.of("com.example.annotations", "AnnotationC");

  protected final void definition() {


        PUBLIC, INT, name("multiple")

Generates the following Java code:

import com.example.annotations.AnnotationA;
import com.example.annotations.AnnotationB;
import com.example.annotations.AnnotationC;

class FieldAnnotations {
  public int multiple;

Until the next issue of Objectos Weekly

So that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed reading.

The source code of all of the examples are in this GitHub repository.

Please send me an e-mail if you have comments, questions or corrections regarding this post.