Objectos Weekly #004: Type annotations, canonical names and inner classes
edit 2022-12-10: add the 'static nested class' subsection
Welcome to Objectos Weekly issue #004.
I was writing this issue when the power in my apartment went out and I heard a loud noise outside. I looked outside from my balcony and I saw that the tree in front of my building had fallen taking a power line with it. Scary: a live power line was exposed right at the sidewalk. It burned a hole through the pavement. Luckily, there was no one there when it happened.
The power was restored later the same day. But it was already too late to do any meaningful work; I finished this issue the next day.
Type annotations, canonical names and inner classes
I have recently learned a detail regarding type annotations, canonical names and inner classes.
Suppose a class Example
which is a subclass of the Super
package post;
import post.util.Super;
public class Example extends Super {}
Notice that the superclass is in a different package of the subclass. For this reason, a import declaration was required.
Let's annotate the superclass with a Nullable
package post;
import post.annotation.Nullable;
import post.util.Super;
public class Example extends Super {}
The annotation might indicate to a hypothetical static analysis tool that the superclass fields can hold null
The code above compiles without errors.
Referring to the superclass by its canonical name
What happens if we use the canonical name of the superclass instead? We can remove the import declaration, like so:
package post;
import post.annotation.Nullable;
// does not compile!
public class Example extends post.util.Super {}
After this change, the code no longer compiles!
issues the following error message:
$ javac -d /tmp src/main/java/post/{,annotation,util}/*.java
src/main/java/post/Example.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
public class Example extends @Nullable post.util.Super {
symbol: class post
1 error
It seems javac
was expecting a class right after the Nullable
Eclipse JDT error message gives more information:
Illegally placed annotation: type annotations must directly precede the simple name of the type they are meant to affect (or the [] for arrays)
OK, let's try to fix it then.
Fixing the compilation error
We must write the annotation right before the simple name of the class, like so:
package post;
import post.annotation.Nullable;
public class Example extends post.util. Super {}
Notice how the annotation is after the trailing dot character of the package name.
The code now compiles without errors:
$ javac -d /tmp src/main/java/post/{,annotation,util}/*.java
[no errors emitted]
Well, I didn't know about that.
Why though?
I don't know for sure. But I think inner classes are one of the reasons.
In the previous issue I talked about inner classes and qualified superclass constructor invocations. The main takeaway to remember is:
in order to have an instance of the inner class we must provide an instance of the outer class.
Extending an inner class of Super
Let's say our superclass Super
declares an inner class called Inner
Let's have our Example
class extend Inner
instead of Super
package post;
public class Example extends post.util.Super.Inner {
public Example(post.util.Super outer) {
As Inner
is an inner class, we must provide an instance of Super
That is why we had to add the constructor and use the qualified superclass constructor invocation.
Let's get back to our hypothetical static analysis tool. Let's say we would like to:
values to theSuper
fields; but -
values to theInner
We can annotate our class like so:
package post;
import post.annotation.NotNull;
import post.annotation.Nullable;
public class Example
post.util. Super. Inner {
public Example(post.util.Super outer) {
That's peculiar. I can definitely say I don't see it everyday.
It compiles without errors:
$ javac -d /tmp src/main/java/post/{,annotation,util}/*.java
[no errors emitted]
Static nested class
You should know that the form of the last example:
Super. Inner
Is allowed because Inner
is an inner class.
If it were a static nested class, a compilation error would occur instead.
To illustrate, consider the following example:
package post.nested;
import post.annotation.NotNull;
import post.annotation.ReadOnly;
public class Example1 {
class Nested {}
post.nested.Example1. Nested a;
post.nested. Example1.Nested b;
post.nested. Example1. Nested c;
As Nested
is an inner class, all of the forms compile without errors.
However, if we turn Nested
into a static nested class, only the first form is allowed:
package post.nested;
import post.annotation.NotNull;
import post.annotation.ReadOnly;
public class Example2 {
static class Nested {}
// ok
post.nested.Example2. Nested a;
// does not compile!
post.nested. Example2.Nested b;
// does not compile!
post.nested. Example2. Nested c;
The code above does not compile!
$ javac -d /tmp src/main/java/post/{,annotation,nested,util}/*.java
src/main/java/post/nested/Example2.java:27: error: scoping construct
cannot be annotated with type-use annotation: @post.annotation.ReadOnly
post.nested.@ReadOnly Example2.Nested b;
src/main/java/post/nested/Example2.java:29: error: scoping construct
cannot be annotated with type-use annotation: @post.annotation.ReadOnly
post.nested.@ReadOnly Example2.@NotNull Nested c;
2 errors
As noted, fields b
and c
fail to compile.
As Nested
is now a static
nested class, the enclosing Example2
class serves only as a scoping construct.
Objectos Code Weekly
Work on Objectos Code is still in progress. Please note that the syntax is still subject to change. In fact I experimented a bit with names that are reserved keywords.
For instance, to write a package declaration in Objectos you write:
As package
is a reserved keyword, the name of the method has a leading underscore character.
I tried the following variations:
But I was not pleased with any of them. So I decided to stick with the leading underscore version.
Method type parameters and type variables
You can declare a method with type parameters. The following Objectos Code:
public class TypeParams extends JavaTemplate {
protected final void definition() {
_public(), _final(), id("Util"),
_public(), _static(),
tparam("T", t("com.example", "Foo")),
param(t(t("java.util", "List"), tvar("T")), id("list")),
invoke(t(Collections.class), "sort", n("list"))
package objectos.example;
import com.example.Foo;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public final class Util {
private Util() {}
public static <T extends Foo> void sort(List<T> list) {
Parameterized types
You might have noticed in the previous example that you can write type arguments of a generic type. The following Objectos Code:
public class ParameterizedTypes extends JavaTemplate {
protected final void definition() {
_public(), id("ParameterizedTypesExample"),
t(t("java.util", "Map"), t(String.class), t("java.lang", "Integer")),
field(t(t(Set.class), t(OpenOption.class)), id("set")),
t("java.util", "List"),
t(t(Map.class), t(String.class), t(String.class))
), id("list")
package objectos.example;
import java.nio.file.OpenOption;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class ParameterizedTypesExample {
Map<String, Integer> map;
Set<OpenOption> set;
List<Map<String, String>> list;
Until the next issue of Objectos Weekly
So that's it for today. I hope you've enjoyed reading.
The source code of all of the examples are in this GitHub repository.
Please send me an e-mail if you have comments, questions or corrections regarding this post.